Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Blogging, the Lazy Edition

Just slapping up some random pictures from my Iphone...

This is what I got when I asked Jacob to pose for a picture for
the wallpaper on my new phone when I got it in April.

This is Luke's first haircut, around May.

This is Jacob goofing off on the couch.

This picture was taken at Luke's daycare and framed for me for Mother's Day.

This is Jacob's setup for trips down South--pretty jealous considering
road trips when I was his age consisted of hanging out with my sister
Susan, who wasn't really my favorite person at the time (sorry, Susan)

This is Luke enjoying one of the first warm days in June.

This is Jacob with his cousin Anna at his cousin Michael's wedding on April 2nd, Jacob's birthday

This is Luke on his 1st birthday, July 23rd